‘3 Body Problem’ series is a science fiction saga based on Liu Cixin’s Hugo Award-winning novel. The series explores a universe filled with mysteries, as well as the interactions and challenges between humanity and alien civilizations.
The intricate narrative is intriguing with mind-bending scientific concepts, existential threats and profound philosophical questions providing a compelling watch for sci-fi enthusiasts.
There is some gorgeous camera work and good editing. The cinematography is breathtaking and stunning layering the labyrinth of ideas and storylines into the extraterrestrial backdrop.
The cast is awesome and brings depth into every character and pushes boundaries on storytelling. There are some slow burn moments but overall great dialogues. This is not a mindless alien invasion plot, but it makes the audience think about how humans would behave in such an event.
It is hard to rate a TV show after only watching the first season, but this one is definitely watch worthy! In summary, the show is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of humanity’s place in the cosmos and dissects our relationships with technology, and the ethical dilemmas that arise when confronted with the unknown. I highly recommend it!