Scott Cooper’s The Pale Blue Eye is a mystery thriller adapted from the 2003 novel by Louis Bayard. The film follows Cadet Edgar Allan Poe (Harry Melling) while he’s attending West Point in the early 1800s. Some of his classmates are murdered near the school and he partners with a detective (Christian Bale) to investigate the crimes.
The settings, costumes and props are superb. Specifically, the cinematography was so well done with beautiful sharp visuals – the gothic atmosphere was breathtaking. This great ambiance and spooky atmosphere invite you to fully immerse yourself in the thriller/crime genre.
The characters are fascinating and keep you intrigued from beginning to end, especially Christian Bale and Harry Melling – their acting was immaculate. The storyline is very smart and some elements reminded me of Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, Johnny Depp). Moreover, the film has all the great elements to tell a good crime story and has some really gripping moments.
Overall, the cast is outstanding and everyone delivers strong performances. I highly recommend this film! It is an excellent period drama with a twist.