Directed by Dev Patel, who also takes on the lead role, ‘Monkey Man’ dives into themes of vindication and resilience. The film follows, “An anonymous young man who unleashes a campaign of vengeance against the corrupt leaders who murdered his mother and continue to systemically victimize the poor and powerless.”
Drawing parallels to ‘John Wick’, ‘Monkey Man’ offers a similar adrenaline pumping action movie but distinguishes itself by being more character driven. What differentiates ‘Monkey Man’ is its awesome cinematography with intricate and dynamic tracking shots.
‘Monkey Man’ fight sequences are visceral, intense, and unhinged – they choreographed with precision. Patel’s performance is nuanced, commanding and vulnerable.
Visually beautiful and thematically rich, “Monkey Man” is a triumph of storytelling and a testament to the power of cinema to stimulate thought and evoke emotion. ‘Monkey Man’ focuses on a poignant message: the plight of the marginalized and the fight for justice. With Dev Patel’s impressive performance, wonderful cinematography, and gripping action sequences – I recommend this movie!