‘Krampus’ is a comedy-horror film directed by Michael Dougherty and it is based on the eponymous character from Austro-Bavarian folklore. Max’s (Emjay Anthony) dysfunctional family causes him to become disillusioned and he turns his back on Christmas. This lack of festive spirit unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent that punishes non-believers.
Literal hell breaks loose as beloved holiday icons take on a monstrous life of their own (i.e.: killer gingerbread men).
I thought the acting was pretty good, especially Adam Scott, Toni Collette and David Koechner. The storyline is simple but executed in a way that is entertaining and it makes you want to watch. This film gives a dark ‘Home Alone’ vibe mixed in with ‘Gremlins’. It sticks to the spirit of the season, while also sticking to its 80s-like monster movie roots with some amazing visual effects.
I think it’s a fun Christmas film with a horror twist and it’s just the right film to unconventionally celebrate the holidays!