Disney+ has released a new season of Goosebumps (adapted from R.L. Stine’s book series) titled “The Vanishing,” which incorporates elements from various original stories, including ‘Stay Out of the Basement.’ This season follows twins Devin and Cece in 2024 as they uncover the mystery of their uncle Matty’s disappearance in 1994. The narrative intertwines supernatural elements reminiscent of the original series, maintaining the hallmark blend of real scares with kid-friendly content from the 90s!
I liked the casting in the first 2 episodes. David Schwimmer stars as Anthony Brewer, a botanist and father to the twins. His performance has been highlighted for adding depth to the character, balancing elements of horror, comedy, and drama.
The Disney+ adaptation uses updated CGI for the plants and transformations, which feel more fluid and realistic than the 1996 version. The visuals rely heavily on green and shadowy tones to emphasize the theme of nature gone wrong, and the creeping plant growth is omnipresent, making the space feel alive and foreboding.
The visuals in the Disney+ adaptation of ‘Stay Out of the Basement’ are sleek, immersive, and appropriately creepy. They successfully bring to life the sinister, plant-filled world of Dr. Brewer’s experiments while paying homage to the original series’ charm!
I am looking forward to checking out some more episodes in this series!