Washington Irving’s classic “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” remains one of the earliest pieces of American fiction with enduring popularity. This short story is a spooky exploration of the power of local legend, The Headless Horseman. The setting for this legend is Sleepy Hollow, a majestic, spellbinding Dutch settlement in New York—where the legendary horseman roams during the “witching hour”.
I’ve read this story several times but this book is unique because it features annotations by Henry John Steiner, Sleepy Hollow Village Historian. The book represents a great opportunity for readers to visualize and appreciate Irving’s immortal tale with an expert guide through the landscape of historic Sleepy Hollow. This annotated edition reconnects today’s Sleepy Hollow with the real community that served the story’s backdrop. Specifically, the annotations in this book described some of the local history and traditions related to Irving’s story.
I highly recommend this book if you are a fan of the legend. Every time I read this story, it reminds me that what you believe you see is just as powerful and compelling as what you actually see.
Note: I’ve visited Sleepy Hollow several times and I absolutely loved it! The best time to visit is in the Fall (spooky season 👻). You can visit the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (Irving’s gravesite), The Old Dutch Church, Washington Irving’s home, The Headless Horseman Bridge, and more!