‘The Polar Express’ is a charming and timeless “cinemagic” experience and easily my favorite Christmas movie. ‘The Polar Express’ is based off of Chris Van Allsburg children’s book and the story revolves around a young boy, who is coming to an age where he is doubting Santa Claus’ existence. One night a magical train destined for the North Pole, takes him and a group of other young children on a journey to visit Santa and to reaffirm their faith in Christmas.
Tom Hanks voices Hero Boy (motion-capture and adult voice), Hero Boy’s father, Conductor, Hobo and Santa Claus. Hanks is absolutely terrific in this film! The computer animation is grade A and breathtakingly realistic with wondrous imagery and action sequences. This movie stretches beyond the limits of the imagination and is a great cinematic achievement.
‘The Polar Express’ took me back to my childhood and that tingly-feeling every child gets on Christmas Eve in anticipation of Santa’s visit. Moreover, it shows that magic continues to exist long after your beliefs are over, and colorfully paints an awe-inspiring portrait of the true meaning of Christmas. I highly recommend this movie!